Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is a complex illness that impacts the brain and body. It occurs when a person loses control over their drug use, leading to devastating effects on their health and quality of life. Despite the harm it inflicts, individuals with addiction continue to abuse drugs.
A staggering number of Americans—over 53 million—have used illicit and prescription drugs. But how can you tell when drug use has developed into a problem? To protect you and your loved ones from this epidemic, it’s important to understand the factors involved with drug addiction.

Why Are Drugs Addictive?
Drugs are highly addictive because of their impact on the brain’s reward system. Drugs release a flood of the chemical dopamine, which feels instantly pleasurable and rewarding. Over time, the brain adapts to the high and feels it less, but still craves it. As a result, people often feel especially low when without substances. This is how dependence is developed in only a short amount of time. The effect of dopamine production is so powerful that a person can develop a drug addiction, or drug use disorder (DUD), after one or two uses.
What Are the Most Addictive Drugs?
The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) has outlined some of the most commonly abused drugs; people return to these substances because they’re highly addictive. The list of the most addictive drugs includes:
- Cannabinoids (marijuana)
- Opioids (heroin, opium)
- Stimulants (amphetamine, cocaine, methamphetamine)
- Hallucinogens (LSD, mescaline)
- Prescription drugs (stimulants, depressants, pain relievers)

These drugs are known for their addictive qualities, and users often need more of the substance to achieve a high. Using these drugs can lead to physical dependence, which can be difficult to overcome without help.
No matter what kind of drug you’re using, addiction is a serious problem that requires professional treatment. Fortunately, many treatment options are available for people who struggle with substance use disorders. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, resources are available to help. Contact us today and let us provide you with all the necessary information about recovery and getting your life back on track.
What Are The Risk Factors of Drug Addiction?
The risk of becoming addicted is highest during early adulthood, with addiction being particularly common among young adults. It usually begins as experimentation that leads to regular drug use due to an inability to resist cravings.
Risk factors of drug addiction include:
- Genetics
- Environmental influences
- Mental health problems such as depression or anxiety
- Peer pressure
While some people are more vulnerable to addiction than others due to genetic or environmental factors, abusing drugs can quickly lead to addiction regardless of a person’s predisposition.
The risk of drug addiction and how fast you become addicted also varies depending on the type of drug used, the amount used, and the frequency of use. Some drugs, such as opioid painkillers, have a higher risk and cause addiction more quickly than others. For this reason, it is vital to be aware of the risks and take steps to prevent becoming addicted, such as using drugs only as prescribed.
No matter what type of drug you use, it’s important to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect yourself from developing a drug addiction.
How Does Drug Addiction Start?
Drug addiction often begins following a period of experimentation in social settings with recreational drugs. This commonly occurs in individuals who begin smoking marijuana or take party drugs like ecstasy or cocaine. The use of drugs may then gradually increase over time, with the individual becoming more and more reliant on drugs. Eventually, this dependence can lead to full-blown drug addiction in which the person is unable to function without the drug and has difficulty stopping their use.
Drug addiction may also start when individuals begin taking a medication prescribed by their doctor to treat a physical or mental health condition, which is often the case with opioids. Prescription drug addiction can also occur when people obtain medications from family members, friends, or colleagues who have valid prescriptions, commonly seen among college students and other high-pressure work environments.
Warning Signs of Drug Abuse
Have you ever questioned whether you or someone you care about is abusing drugs? If so, you’re not alone. Drug abuse is a growing problem in our society and it affects people from all walks of life.
Depending on the type of drug being used, the signs and symptoms of drug addiction will vary. With that said, knowing the warning signs and symptoms of drug abuse can help you identify when someone needs help and get them on the path to recovery.
Common warning signs of drug abuse include:
Physical Signs
- Abscesses
- Consistent scratching
- Excessive sweating
- Manic energy (excitable)
- Insomnia (inability to sleep)
- Labored breathing
- Lack of coordination
- Decrease in physical activity
- Changes in eating habits
- Rapid weight loss
- Nausea/vomiting
- Strange body odor
- Watery eyes
- Tremors
Mental Signs
- Confusion
- Closed-Off
- Defensive
- Distractable
- Agitated
- Reactive
- Emotional outbursts
- Excessive anger
- Forgetful
- Hyperactive
- Manic
- Paranoid
- Loss of reality
- Delirious
Behavioral Signs
- Self-isolation
- Changes in friend group
- Neglects responsibilities
- Loss of interest in passions
- Avoidance of confrontation
- Increasingly unreliable
- Redirects blame
- Sensitive to questions
- Secretive or suspicious behavior
- More talkative than usual
- Sudden changes in attitude
- Poor job performance
- Financial problems
- Legal issues
If you or someone you love is exhibiting any of these signs, it’s important to seek help right away. Drug addiction can be a dangerous condition that can have serious long-term effects if not treated properly. By seeking treatment, individuals struggling with substance abuse can gain support and resources to help them on the road to recovery.
Drug Use Disorders
Individuals can be diagnosed with drug use disorder (DUD) in the same way that someone can receive a medical and mental health diagnosis. DUD, a chronic brain disorder, is characterized by compulsive drug use, loss of control over drug consumption, and experiencing negative emotions when not using drugs. These symptoms persist despite negative consequences in various areas of life, including social, occupational, financial, and health aspects.
To receive an official diagnosis of a drug use disorder, individuals are assessed by a licensed medical professional. This assessment involves specific questions relating to the criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), which provides comprehensive standards for diagnosis.
The DSM-5 criteria focus on categories such as physical dependence, social issues, impaired control, and risky use. More specifically, the 11 criteria that can accompany a drug use disorder include:
- Drug Tolerance
- Drug Cravings
- Drug Withdrawal
- Risky Forms of Drug Use
- Drug-Related Relationship Problems
- Neglecting Responsibilities Due to Drug Use
- Increasing Amount of Drugs/Time Spent Using Drugs
- Repeated Attempts to Control Drug Use
- Spending Large Amounts of Time Acquiring, Using, Recovering From Drugs
- Physical/Psychological Side Effects
- Giving Up Activities in Favor of Drugs
Depending on the number of criteria met, the drug use disorder may be categorized as mild, moderate, or severe. It’s crucial to acknowledge that regardless of severity, recovery from drug addiction is possible.
Drug Use Disorder Levels of Severity
Drug Addiction Assessment

When determining the intensity of a drug addiction, there are three 3 levels of severity. The more symptoms that apply to an individual’s experience, the more severe the person’s drug use disorder is.
1 symptom = Risk of drug use disorder
2 or 3 symptoms = Mild drug use disorder
4 to 5 symptoms = Moderate drug use disorder
6+ symptoms = Severe drug use disorder
Drug Addiction Symptoms
When examining the physical symptoms of drug addiction, several significant factors are considered. In the early stages of drug abuse, however, the symptoms of physical and psychological dependency may not be as noticeable. As the person’s drug abuse advances in severity, the signs of addiction become increasingly apparent.
Common symptoms of drug addiction include:
- Using drugs to "relax"
- Making excuses and rationalizing drug use
- Neglecting responsibilities due to drugs
- Ignoring consequences of drug use
- Failing to quit drug use once you start
- Changes in physical appearance
- Irritability and mood swings
- Isolating from loved ones and friends
- Decline in work or school performance
- Developing a tolerance to the effects of drugs
- Difficulty controlling drug cravings and urges
- Feeling like you "need" drugs
- Spending long hours using or seeking out drugs
- Engaging in risky behavior
- Changing social circles
- Financial difficulties
- Constant binge and crash cycles
- Drug withdrawal symptoms
The symptoms of drug addiction can be physical and psychological, with their intensity varying based on the severity of the condition. When individuals lose control over their drug use, they become compelled by their cravings. Following multiple unsuccessful attempts to cut down or quit doing drugs, people often experience hopelessness or denial. Ignoring the signs of drug abuse allows time to build tolerance, eventually leading to physical dependence. Consequently, individuals will encounter a range of mental and physical withdrawal symptoms whenever they attempt to stop taking drugs.
Drug Withdrawal
The severity of drug withdrawal can differ from person to person and even from one drug to the next. In general, the duration and intensity of drug abuse tend to correspond with the severity of withdrawal symptoms.
Drug withdrawal can be physically and emotionally demanding, and the severity of withdrawal symptoms can differ based on various factors such as age, history of substance abuse, previous experiences with withdrawal, and the peak levels of toxins in the bloodstream.
Common drug withdrawal symptoms include:
- Fatigue
- Lack of appetite
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Hallucinations
- Insomnia
- Headache
- Trembling
- Muscle cramps
- Nausea and vomiting
- Flu-like symptoms
- Sweating
Life-threatening drug withdrawal symptoms include:
- Severe dehydration
- Hyperthermia (high fever)
- Drug-induced psychosis
- Delirium
- Seizures
- Heart attack
- Stroke
Due to the potential for life-threatening withdrawal symptoms and risk of overdose following a relapse, benzodiazepines and opioids are especially dangerous to detox off of alone.
Drug withdrawal symptoms are usually a heightened response opposite to the drug’s effect. For example, withdrawal from a stimulant drug may result in depression with lethargy and fatigue. This is usually accompanied by physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and aches and pains.
In the same fashion, withdrawal from anti-anxiety prescriptions, known as benzodiazepines, often results in feelings of fear, panic, and hallucinations. While the psychological withdrawal symptoms of benzodiazepines can be challenging, the real danger lies in the potentially life-threatening risk of seizures.
For this reason, detoxing from drugs is often a difficult process that requires medical supervision for maximum safety. At a drug detox facility, medical professionals provide evidence-based treatments to help people safely withdraw from dangerous substances.
Physical Dependency on Drugs
Physical dependency can develop quickly. It often starts with cravings and a greater tolerance that requires stronger doses. It can include sore muscles, tremors, and hallucinations. Physical dependence can lead to withdrawal symptoms, which are frightening to face alone. In fact, trying to detox alone can put your life at risk.
Psychological Dependency on Drugs
Psychological dependency on drugs is one’s mental and emotional connection to the way drug use feels. Symptoms may originate as thinking about drugs or “needing” them to relax/feel good. At this point, drugs are simply masking deeper issues. Long-term effects of drug use on behavior can include anxiety, irritability, neglecting personal responsibilities, and obsessing over the next fix.
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Consequences of Drug Addiction
You may think you can continue your drug use without damage, or you may feel that you’ll be able to cut back on your own. However, drug dependency can quickly turn to poor mental health, declining physical health, and social isolation — not to mention the important work tasks and life requirements that may get pushed to the wayside. Prolonged drug abuse can take a severe toll on one’s physical health as well, often resulting in life-threatening health complications in addition to the high risk of overdose-related death.
According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), the health consequences of drug addiction can include:
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Cancer
- Lung disease
- Hepatitis B and C
- Mental health disorders
The consequences of drug addiction can be severe and long-lasting, both physically and mentally. Physically, long-term use of drugs can lead to organ damage, cardiovascular problems, weakened immune systems, and a host of other health issues. Mentally, addiction can lead to depression, anxiety, and increased risk of suicide. Additionally, drug addiction often leads to financial stress as well as legal trouble when laws are broken in pursuit of drugs.
It is important to remember that the consequences of drug abuse can be far-reaching and long-lasting and that treatment should always be sought as soon as possible. With proper treatment, people with substance use disorders can lead fulfilling lives in recovery.
The Impact of Drug Abuse on Work and Home Life
Drug abuse can have devastating consequences, both to the person using it and to those around them. In fact, abusing drugs has a whole host of negative impacts on your relationships with family and friends, school performance, and employment prospects. Likewise, drug abuse can lead to a range of social problems like homelessness, unemployment, domestic violence, poverty, and legal issues.
In work settings, drug addiction inflicts a profoundly negative impact on overall performance and important professional relationships. Often, drug withdrawal symptoms harm a person’s ability to concentrate or engage with colleagues. On top of this, charges and arrests for possession of drugs can result in lengthy jail sentences, significantly increasing the difficulty of finding and maintaining employment in the future.
When a loved one grapples with drug addiction, families, in particular, bear the weight of the burden. Spouses and children often endure profound emotional distress as a result of substance abuse. Watching a loved one struggle with drugs can evoke a range of emotions: confusion, anger, hurt, guilt, and fear. The grip of addiction has the power to inflict immense damage if left untreated, making it crucial to seek professional help.
Mental Side Effects of Drug Abuse
Drug abuse affects one’s mental health and cognition in the short- and long-term. Immediate effects may include hallucinations, anxiety, paranoia, memory loss, and depression. Long-term effects could be Alzheimer’s disease, impaired learning ability, poor memory, or reduced cognitive function.
Drug use can also have long-term effects on the brain and nervous system, leading to changes in behavior that can have a profound effect on one’s quality of life. Brain damage caused by drug abuse can even lead to Alzheimer’s disease, impaired learning ability, poor memory, or reduced cognitive function. Additionally, drug addiction is commonly associated with psychological conditions including schizophrenia, clinical depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and generalized anxiety.
Physical Side Effects of Drug Abuse
Drug abuse impacts one’s physical wellness in the short- and long-term. Immediate health concerns include changes in sleep or eating habits, stomach pain, headaches and hangovers, and high blood pressure. Longer-term impacts might be respiratory issues, heart damage, liver damage, lung damage, weak kidneys, or even death.
Drug abuse is also linked to a wide array of physical health conditions including heart attack, stroke, hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS infections. In addition, people who use drugs are more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as unprotected sex and driving under the influence, leading to further health risks.
Frequently Asked Questions
About Drug Addiction
You likely have specific questions about drug addiction and its effects on yourself or someone you know. Find answers to commonly asked questions here.
If you have any questions about alcohol addiction treatment at Royal Life Centers, call us at 888-568-5998.
What is the difference between drug misuse and drug abuse?
The medical community has coined two terms for drug use. Though they sound interchangeable, drug abuse versus drug misuse are different. Drug misuse refers to people incorrectly using prescription medication.
Although intended to assist in some form of ailment — for example, pain medication or sleep aids — people can misemploy these prescriptions by over-using, under-using, or taking them for the wrong reasons.
Drug abuse, on the other hand, refers to the use of addictive substances (including alcohol, psychotropic drugs, and hard drugs) for the express purpose of feeling better, achieving a high, harming oneself, or any reason consistent with drug dependency.
Why do people get addicted to drugs?
It’s easy to get addicted to drugs because of their effect on the brain and body. Drugs have a pleasurable effect on the brain and over time reconfigure the cognitive process of the reward system. The high people feel when they take certain substances becomes something they desire again and again. This production of dopamine (also called the “feel-good hormone”) re-trains their brain to constantly seek it — and by this point, they’re convinced drug use is the way. However, they’ll need to take greater doses to achieve a consistent high.
Is drug addiction a disease?
Yes, drug addiction is a serious disease of the brain that requires treatment for recovery. The majority of medical associations use this language of disease when referring to drug addiction, although it’s also commonly referred to as a mental or medical disorder. What is agreed upon is that drug addiction needs to be professionally treated. Due to addiction’s impact on one’s psychological, physical, and spiritual wellness, at Royal Life Centers, we believe in holistic treatment complemented by medication-assisted treatment (MAT).
Can drug abuse cause schizophrenia?
Much research has been done on whether drug abuse can cause schizophrenia. Cannabis use in adolescents has specifically been linked to a larger chance of developing schizophrenia. But the use of other drugs is also connected. Certainly, illicit drugs and substance abuse have been shown to often operate together, though it’s not conclusive what comes first in the majority of cases.
However, this highly researched article concludes that “substance use itself may both trigger the onset of schizophrenia and lead to continued substance use.” Researchers believe it may be due to excessive dopamine altering one’s neurobiology in the same way schizophrenia symptoms do.
Can your heart heal from drug abuse?
Drug abuse has dangerous effects on heart health. Fortunately, when the right measures are taken, the heart can begin to repair from the damages incurred by drugs. This includes first detoxing from substance addiction to remove toxins from the body and then living a healthy lifestyle that prioritizes physical wellness through movement, healthy eating, and potentially medication assistance.
How does drug abuse affect families?
Addiction isn’t an individual issue. In many ways, drug abuse negatively affects the whole family. The social, psychological, physical, and spiritual damage drugs can have on a person resonates throughout the family unit. When work, home, and life commitments fall by the wayside, everyone can suffer,
Additionally, drug abuse may have a financial toll. But often the most painful effect of drug abuse is the mental and psychological hurt families must watch their loved one experience.
Why is prescription drug abuse on the rise?
Drug use, including prescription drug abuse, has been statistically increasing in recent years. There are some factors that are likely contributing, including:
- Feelings of isolation due to the pandemic
- Increased stress, financial burden, and loss due to the pandemic
- Easy access to prescription drugs
- Increased diagnoses of anxiety and depression in teens and young adults since the rise of social media
- Tolerance to short-term prescriptions that turn to dependency
How many people are addicted to drugs in the US?
An estimated 23 million people in the United States are battling a substance addiction. However, it’s hard to track specific statistics due to the number of people who hide their addiction and never get treatment. Tragically, the United States is nearing one million deaths caused by drug overdose since 2000.
How to stop drug abuse?
Drug addiction can be overcome by receiving medical treatment. Medication-assisted or observational detoxification is the first step, followed by a recovery plan that works with the individual to address how they can reach a life of sobriety.
Rehab for Drug Addiction
Recovering from addiction starts with clearing the toxins from your body through a drug detox program. Because of demanding withdrawal symptoms, people sometimes put off detox, but it’s the only way to reach sobriety. Yet, withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening so it’s crucial you don’t attempt to detox alone.
After detoxification, we strongly recommend you continue treatment to set yourself up for a successful life of sobriety. Following detox, we provide a residential inpatient program to help you uncover to underlying causes of drug abuse so that you can begin to heal. Our residential treatment programs also teach coping techniques and life skills that prepare you for the future and prevent relapse in early recovery.
After completing treatment at our inpatient facility, we provide aftercare services at our outpatient facility which includes a partial hospitalization program (PHP), intensive outpatient program (IOP), and traditional outpatient program (OP). These programs provide continuing care for drug addiction recovery, offering services such as counseling, group therapy, relapse prevention planning, and life skills development. During the outpatient portion of treatment, sober living residences can also help you transition from treatment back into the real world. Our sober living homes provide structure and support in early recovery that can often be difficult to find elsewhere.
At The Haven, we understand that recovery is an ongoing journey. That’s why our team of experienced professionals makes sure you have the guidance and support you need for a successful recovery so you can live a happier and healthier life free from drugs and alcohol. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us today. We are here to help. Together, we can find the right path for lasting recovery.
Are you looking for help with addiction? Let us support you on the path to lasting recovery
Drug Detox
Drug detoxification is broken down into three stages and generally lasts between 5-10 days. In the induction stage, our medical professionals will look at the details of your addiction and external factors to determine your detox plan. They’ll assess whether medication-assisted or observational detox observational detox is best. In the maintenance phase, as the toxins are removed from your body, withdrawal symptoms are common, but you’ll also begin to feel a stabilization. The third stage of detox is the most potentially dangerous, as substances are flushed from the body and withdrawal symptoms accelerate.
It’s imperative that you receive quality medical care and supervision during detoxification to prevent life-threatening side effects. Our medical practitioners monitor guests 24/7 during the detox stage to ensure comfort and prevent the risks associated with withdrawal. Every 15 minutes they will check your vitals, and they’ll make adjustments as needed. Our state-of-the-art facilities aim to soothe and support you during this difficult process.
Medication-Assisted Treatment for Drug Addiction
Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) services use evidence-based treatment options to assist you on your detoxification and recovery journey. Medications can help lessen the severity of withdrawal symptoms. In some situations, MAT services are the difference between withdrawal symptoms that are life-threatening versus manageable.
With that being said, MAT services are provided on a case-by-case basis since every person with addiction brings their own mixture of biological, psychiatric, spiritual, and social factors into recovery. Our medical care team assesses individuals to determine whether they’d benefit from MAT as part of their care.
Those participating in MAT during drug detox will work with addiction treatment providers to determine which medication works best for each guest, based on their unique situation and medical history. It is important to note that MAT does not replace therapy or counseling but rather works in conjunction with these services to provide long-term support and guidance.
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
Medications for opioid use disorder, or MOUD, can reduce cravings for opioids significantly. These medications can help you better manage any urges or triggers that lead to relapse, and allow you to focus more on the emotional and psychological aspects of recovery.
An FDA-approved opioid use disorders (OUD) treatment service we use at RLC is Suboxone (buprenorphine and naloxone). Used for the treatment of opioid addiction, it helps guests transition between detox and the next stages of recovery by lessening symptoms. When you detox in a medical center, practitioners can walk you through MAT for a smoother journey.
Inpatient Drug Rehab
At our inpatient drug rehab center, you’ll receive round-the-clock support from experienced medical professionals. We pride ourselves on creating a safe and nurturing environment that allows every guest to heal at their own pace while building a solid foundation for lasting recovery. Our highly trained staff will help you uncover the root causes of drug abuse and develop a personalized recovery plan. Rest assured, you’ll receive the highest level of care and guidance throughout your journey towards recovery.
Our inpatient program is designed to create an environment that minimizes distractions and promotes a safe, comfortable space for recovery. Here, guests can fully concentrate on their personalized treatment goals with the support and guidance of our clinical team, comprised of licensed therapists, medical professionals, and experts in addiction treatment.
During their stay in our inpatient facility, guests enjoy round-the-clock access to our dedicated medical and counseling staff. Additionally, they have the privilege of benefiting from the following treatment services:
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- Experiential activities
- Nutritional guidance
- 12-step and 12-step alternative meetings
- Addiction and mental health education
In addition to drug addiction counseling and educational services, our residential treatment program includes comprehensive medication management. During your stay at Royal Life Centers, a dedicated case manager will assist you in setting and achieving your personal goals and objectives to ensure your successful recovery journey.
As you advance in drug abuse treatment, you will develop valuable insights and comprehension about your addiction and the underlying factors contributing to it. This process equips you with the necessary tools to enact long-lasting lifestyle changes. Our comprehensive residential treatment services are designed to empower you, providing the essential skills to establish a strong foundation for recovery. By completing our residential inpatient program, you can confidently maintain your sobriety journey.
Drug Addiction Counseling
Drug addiction counseling and therapy services begin during detoxification for all who are deemed able. As the main focus of inpatient treatment programs, the care team will walk you through this difficult first step toward recovery.
Once detoxification is complete, therapy options include individual and group sessions, along with a variety of expressive therapy offerings. During treatment for drug addiction, guests participate in evidence-based therapy offerings including:
- Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy
- Trauma-informed equine-assisted therapy (EAT)
- Art therapy
- Journaling therapy
- Music therapy
- Dance/movement therapy
- Adventure therapy
We also provide a range of complementary therapies that aid in fostering physical and mental healing. Our holistic addiction treatment services include yoga, fitness activities, meditation classes, and sound healing groups. These offerings are designed to promote personal growth and emotional stability by strengthening the connection between mind, body, and spirit.
Outpatient Drug Rehab
Outpatient drug rehab offers aftercare services following detox and residential treatment. These services include medication management, additional therapy offerings, and sober living options.
After completing inpatient treatment, guests can enter our 12-week aftercare program. Held next door at our outpatient facility, Royal Life Centers at Sound Recovery. While participating in our outpatient levels of care, guests transition from inpatient to partial hospitalization (PHP) and intensive outpatient treatment (IOP).
During aftercare services, guests have the option to transition to our sober living residences or continue residing at home while receiving treatment at our facility throughout the week. This flexibility allows individuals to choose the living arrangement that best suits their needs while continuing their path to recovery.
In PHP and IOP programs, guests receive ongoing support from our team of substance use disorder professionals while having the flexibility to transition to a more balanced lifestyle that accommodates work and treatment commitments. Upon completion of our aftercare program, guests have the opportunity to participate in our traditional outpatient program. This program emphasizes sustained efforts toward sobriety and equips individuals with the essential tools for maintaining a successful recovery journey.
Our comprehensive outpatient program is tailored to empower guests on their recovery journey. We provide a range of essential services, including weekly support groups, case management, relapse prevention techniques, life skills training, and assistance in finding meaningful employment and community service opportunities. Our goal is to ensure that guests receive the support they need while transitioning back to a home environment. With a focus on understanding, determination, and perseverance, we believe that long-term sobriety is achievable for everyone.
Recovering from Drug Use Disorder
Recovering from drug use disorder in drug addiction treatment can provide you with the time and tools you need to recover. Each level of treatment at Royal Life Centers provides you with life skills, relapse prevention plans, coping techniques, and a supportive community around you every step of the way. Maintaining your sobriety after detoxing and receiving treatment is still difficult, but evidence shows people who remain in inpatient and outpatient treatment have greater lasting sobriety.
How To Stay Sober After Drug Addiction Treatment
Discovering the path to building a solid foundation of recovery can feel unfamiliar, especially for those who are new to this transformative process. Embrace the personal nature of your recovery and embrace the opportunity to navigate this uncharted territory with courage and determination.
Partaking in an outpatient program and residing in a sober living home are highly recommended initial steps. These continuing care programs provide an opportunity to reacquaint yourself with everyday life responsibilities and relearn how to navigate the world while maintaining sobriety. By actively engaging with the alumni community, you’ll never feel isolated or alone throughout your journey toward recovery.
Regularly attending 12-step meetings like NA and individual therapy can offer invaluable support on your journey to recovery. By staying connected to your recovery community, you can receive ongoing social and emotional support, decreasing the risk of relapse and increasing your chances of long-term success in sobriety.
No matter where you find yourself in your journey toward recovery, there is an everlasting flame of hope for achieving enduring sobriety. With unwavering motivation and unyielding dedication, it is within your power to craft a life of health and happiness, liberated from the clutches of drug addiction.
Our Rehab For Drug Addiction
At Royal Life Centers at The Haven, we deeply understand the intricate nature of drug addiction. Our focus lies in empowering our guests to cultivate healthy and meaningful relationships with themselves and their loved ones while navigating the path to recovery. At our drug rehab programs, our licensed and experienced counselors establish a secure environment that works to rebuild trust while fostering mindfulness, holistic healing, and life-long wellness. Our goal is to provide a safe haven to break away from the damaging cycle of addiction.
Our drug addiction treatment plans are tailored to fit each individual’s unique needs and recovery goals while implementing evidence-based practices that are proven to be effective in treating substance abuse. Every aspect of our inpatient programs is carried out with the utmost compassion, respect, and understanding. With our dedicated team of professionals and a supportive fellowship, you or your loved one can embark on the transformative journey toward recovery.
What to Expect During Rehab for Drug Addiction
When guests enter our drug rehab, their journey to recovery begins with our medical detox and residential inpatient programs. During the initial detox phase, we work closely with each guest to develop a personalized treatment plan that caters to their individual needs. In doing so, we provide individualized care to help you develop the strength to break free from the cycle of addiction and ensure that you receive the support needed to successfully navigate the early stages of recovery.
Throughout treatment, guests participate in evidence-based therapies and gain profound insights into their thoughts and emotions. Within our holistic approach, we also provide complementary treatments that prioritize healing of the body, mind, and spirit.
Following drug detox and inpatient care, we highly encourage enrolling in our comprehensive 12-week drug rehab program in Lacey, Washington. This program consists of a four-week partial hospitalization program (PHP) followed by an eight-week intensive outpatient program (IOP). Upon completion, guests may smoothly transition into our outpatient program (OP) for ongoing support and connection. We employ a holistic approach to recovery throughout all levels of care to promote lasting growth and progress.
If you or someone you know is seeking treatment for drug abuse, please reach out to us today. Whether you’re just starting your recovery journey or making progress, Royal Life Centers is committed to supporting you in achieving long-lasting sobriety. Our admissions team is available 24/7 to address any questions or concerns you may have.
Looking for a Rehab for Drug Addiction?
If you or someone you love is struggling with drug addiction, please reach out to find out more about how we can help. We work with most private insurance policies and offer affordable self-pay rates if you do not have insurance. Give us a call and we will figure out the best treatment plan for you or your loved one.
Because We Care.

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