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ZYN Pouches and Nicotine Addiction: A Safer Alternative or Another Crutch?

ZYN Pouches and Nicotine Addiction: A Safer Alternative or Another Crutch?

Though cigarette smoking has seen a sharp decline in the past few decades, the physical and psychological hold of nicotine addiction in people who do smoke can feel impossible to break. Tobacco kills half of its users who don’t quit, and most people do want to quit — according to the Centers for Disease Control […]

Understanding Cocaine Withdrawal: Symptoms and Timeline

Understanding Cocaine Withdrawal: Symptoms and Timelines

Cocaine addiction is a serious disease, but with the right support, recovery is possible. If you are wondering how to detox from cocaine, The Haven Detox at Royal Life Centers can help. We provide specialized cocaine withdrawal treatment, giving you the support you need to achieve long-term recovery. Addiction treatment can help minimize the negative […]

Your Guide to Alcohol Detox in Washington State

Your Guide to Alcohol Detox in Washington State

Alcohol addiction can be one of the hardest substance abuse disorders to overcome because of the significant, very tangible ways it can alter your brain’s relationship with drinking, creating a vicious cycle that’s difficult to break. Alcohol detox in Washington State can help you get started.  Drinking activates the reward centers of the brain, reinforcing […]

How Can a Dual Diagnosis Rehab Center Help Me?

How Can a Dual Diagnosis Rehab Center Help Me?

A substance abuse disorder and a mental health disorder are not always mutually exclusive. Sometimes, someone can live with both at the same time.   According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, about 21.5 million people in the U.S. suffer from this problem, known as co-occurring disorders. Also called co-morbidity, it’s when mental […]

How Washington State Rehab Centers Support Long-Term Recovery

Washington State Rehab Centers

Drug and substance abuse continues to affect millions of people across the country, reinforcing the need for rehab as a place for recovery from addiction.   In 2022, nearly 49 million people struggled with a substance abuse disorder within that past year, according to a study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). […]

What’s the Difference Between Belbuca vs Suboxone?

Belbuca and Suboxone

As Belbuca and Suboxone become more commonly used medications, some confusion has begun to come up regarding their differences. As both medications are opioids, it is important to understand what they are and how they are used. The Haven Detox offers comprehensive and compassionate treatment options for opioid addiction. If you or a loved one […]

How Bad Is Opioid Addiction in Washington State?

Opioid Addiction Washington State

The risk of opioid overdose is a real danger for those in the Pacific Northwest. The statewide opioid crisis is evident in the health statistics compiled by authorities. Fueling the opioid addiction crisis is expanded access to drugs via doctors prescribing opioids as well as illegal means. Thankfully options like medication-assisted treatment and therapies used […]

Is Valium Addictive?

Is Valium Addictive

Many people suffer from anxiety and stress, often to the point of their conditions becoming debilitating to their everyday lives. In response, doctors nationwide have begun prescribing various anxiety medications to help battle these rising cases, including the medication Valium. However, despite its calming effects, there are some risks associated with taking Valium, especially without a doctor’s […]

What Does Meth Look Like?

What Does Meth Look Like

Have you ever wondered, “What does meth look like?” When looking up images of crystal meth, many people expect a standard, snow-white powder, perhaps in a plastic bag or other carrying device. What many people do not realize, though, is that meth can come in many different forms. As the country continues to battle a […]

What Are Common Heroin Street Names?

What Are Common Heroin Street Names

MDMA, also commonly known as Molly and Ecstasy, is a so-called “party drug” that is popular in the club scene. Particularly favored amongst younger individuals, this drug’s seemingly innocent name does not diminish its dangerous nature. Whether you frequent parties or are concerned for a loved one, it is important to understand the risks involved […]