What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice of inserting needles into the skin to hit pressure points, thought to relieve physical and mental ailments. Acupuncture is based upon the belief that stimulating certain points in the human body can improve the flow of Qi or life energy. Acupuncture supposedly clears the blockages caused that disrupt the central nervous system and organ functioning. Chinese medicinal practices have grown in popularity among western practices, even offering counterparts to addiction treatment methods. So, does acupuncture help cure addiction? The answer is that nothing can just “cure” addiction.
Does Acupuncture Treat Addiction?
Acupuncture for addiction treatment claims that the practice can help reduce cravings, increase patient retention in drug or alcohol rehab, ease withdrawal symptoms, decreases physical pain, help regulate emotions, helps regulate sleep patterns, and decreases anxiety and stress. Despite these claims, there is no evidence to prove that acupuncture works in these ways. Many people use acupuncture in conjunction with a comprehensive substance abuse and mental health treatment program. Even the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association states the importance of a formal addiction treatment program, saying that “The combined application of acupuncture with counseling, education, medical support and self-help groups such as AA and NA enhances opportunities for success.” The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recognizes that acupuncture can be a good complementary health approach, or in other words, a good practice to be used to complement an addiction treatment program that uses conventional medical approaches.
Detox Process
Acupuncture is sometimes used in the detox process, however, while detoxing from drug or alcohol addiction, it is best to be treated with medication and behavioral therapies under 24/7 medical supervision. Acupuncture in medical detox is not proven effective, despite the information that leads you to believe acupuncture as a proven method of treatment— there is no scientific evidence to support such a claim. There have been many studies to measure acupuncture’s effectiveness, conducted under the Department of Health and Human Services and other governing bodies— all who deemed no confirmation for the efficacy of this practice.
Attending a medical detox facility like Royal Life Centers at The Haven will ensure your safety and comfort during the detoxification process. The detox process can be extremely dangerous if performed in the wrong environment, due to the lethal withdrawal symptoms that can arise. Our detox treatment options include a 4 day stabilization or a full 8 day stabilization. Practices like acupuncture can only theoretically treat withdrawal symptoms on a short term basis, whereas our course of treatment is for long term addiction recovery. We have a comprehensive addiction treatment approach, that treats substance use disorders holistically. Our addiction treatment sees to strengthen the connections between the mind, body, and spirit for growth and recovery. Detoxification should be done in a controlled setting, with medical professionals available around the clock. Royal Life Centers at The Haven provides guests with safety and comfort, as they are under the direct supervision of medical professionals at all times. Any guest who would like to detox safely, effectively, and comfortably, should first attend our nationally accredited detox center.
Our Treatment Approach
Our treatment approach is to treat the mind, body, and spirit for a full recovery. Our programs involve intensive therapies that include: individual therapy sessions and group therapy. Some group therapy topics can touch on your drug use’s effect on family members, preventing relapse, emotional regulation, grief and loss, etc. Our programs also introduce guests to 12-step programs of recovery like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Eating Disorders Anonymous, Gambler’s Anonymous, and more. The National Institute on Drug Abuse acknowledges the success of joining a 12-step program of recovery.
Treatment at Royal Life Centers at The Haven
Royal Life Centers at The Haven is experienced in treating guests with a dual diagnosis. Our addiction treatment also provides a case manager to assist guests with any circumstantial problems, ranging from ongoing legal issues to applying for government assistance. Upon entering our medical detox facility, guests will be evaluated for their withdrawal symptoms and assessed for any co-occuring disorders. We use medication-assisted treatment on a case-by-case basis. Royal Life Centers at The Haven uses a holistic approach that treats the mind, body, and spirit for recovery. Our treatment programs use intensive therapies to uncover the root cause of your addiction. We provide guests with the tools to build a happy, healthy, and successful life in sobriety.
Our Addiction Treatment Options
Our recovery programs allow guests to work with their appointed case manager and therapist to create a treatment program tailored to suit their personal needs and goals. We support guests by guiding them through the phases of recovery. Royal Life Centers offers treatment programs including: medical detox, a residential inpatient program, a partial hospitalization program (PHP), an intensive outpatient program (IOP), an outpatient program (OP), sober living and graduate housing. In all of our treatment options, we use intensive therapies coupled with any medication to treat co-occuring disorders.
If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, please reach out to our addiction specialists to find out more about the treatment programs we offer. We are available to speak with you 24/7 at (877)-RECOVERY or (877)-732-6837. We are here to guide and support you, no matter the circumstances. Because We Care.